Sunday, 14 April 2024

Hanging Bouquet


Hanging Bouquet Arrangement

Hanging Bouquet 


Large raffia fibers

Floral shears

Floral wire (optional)

Ribbon (for hanging)


    • Lavender flowers
    • Goldenrod stalks
    • Pale pink fescue grass
    • Larkspur blooms


  1. Gather your materials and choose a variety of lavender flowers, goldenrod stalks, pale pink fescue grass, and larkspur blooms in different sizes and stages of bloom for visual interest.
  2. Cut the raffia fibres to your desired length, keeping in mind the final size of the bouquet. You can use a single long piece or bunch several pieces together for a thicker look.
  3. Start assembling the bouquet by placing the larger blooms, like the goldenrod stalks, in the centre. Arrange them to create a base and establish the overall structure.
  4. Add the lavender flowers, distributing them evenly throughout the bouquet. Fill in any gaps with the wispy pale pink fescue grass, allowing it to cascade naturally.
  5. Tuck the delicate larkspur blooms in between the other flowers, adding pops of colour and a touch of elegance.
  6. Secure the bouquet by carefully wrapping the raffia fibres around the stems at the base. You can twist the raffia to tighten and create a stable bundle. For added security, use floral wire to further secure the stems.
  7. Tie a ribbon around the raffia fibres to create a hanger. Choose a ribbon colour that complements the flowers in your bouquet.
  8. Hang your beautiful handmade bouquet in a cool, well-lit location away from direct sunlight