Friday, 17 May 2024

Yellow Blue Bouquet with Sunflowers


Yellow Blue Bouquet with Sunflowers


Flowers (choose a mix of golden yellow and blue varieties):

Yellow: Sunflowers, craspedia globes, billy buttons, solidago, goldenrod

Blue: Delphiniums, hydrangeas (blue varieties), scabiosa, forget-me-nots, cornflowers

Greenery (filler and accents):

Eucalyptus (silver dollar, parvifolia), ferns (maidenhair, leatherleaf), pittosporum, seeded eucalyptus

  • Floral tape
  • Floral shears
  • Ribbon (colour to match your chosen blue flowers)
  • Floral wire (optional)


  1. Prepare your flowers:
    • Cut the stems of your chosen flowers diagonally with floral shears. Aim for a variety of lengths, with some shorter for a fuller base and others longer for a looser, cascading effect.
  2. Assemble the base:
    • Start by selecting a large, sturdy bloom (sunflower or hydrangea) as your focal point. Hold it in your non-dominant hand.
    • Around this flower, begin adding smaller blooms in both yellow and blue, alternating colours for visual interest. Use floral tape to secure the stems to the main flower's stem.
  3. Build and incorporate greenery:
    • As you build the bouquet, tuck in sprigs of greenery throughout. Eucalyptus and ferns add texture and fill in empty spaces, while seeded eucalyptus provides wispy accents. Secure greenery with floral tape for stability.
  4. Create a rounded shape:
    • Continue adding flowers and greenery, working your way around the focal point to create a rounded, ball-shaped bouquet.
  5. Secure and refine:
    • Once you're happy with the overall shape and fullness, use floral tape to secure any loose stems or greenery.
  6. Add the ribbon:
    • Choose a ribbon colour that complements your chosen blue flowers. Wrap the ribbon around the base of the bouquet and tie a neat bow.
  7. Optional: Enhance stability (for heavier flowers):
    • If your flowers are particularly heavy, you can create a more secure structure using floral wire. Thread the wire through the base of the bouquet, weaving it around the stems, to create a supportive framework.


  • Consider the season and availability of flowers when selecting your blooms.
  • Experiment with different flower combinations to achieve your desired look.
  • For a more textural bouquet, incorporate interesting seed pods or dried elements.
  • Soak the stems of your flowers in cool water for a few hours before assembling the bouquet to improve their longevity.