Friday, 31 May 2024

Triangular Bouquet


Triangular Bouquet



Golden yellow roses

Blue lavender

Feathery green cress

Soft clubmoss

Other colourful flowers in complementary colours (such as sunflowers, dahlias, or lilies)

Foliage (optional):



  • Floral shears
  • Floral tape
  • Ribbon (optional)
  • Triangle-shaped vase (optional)


  1. Prep your flowers: Cut the stems of your flowers at an angle with sharp floral shears. Remove any leaves that will fall below the water line in the vase.
  2. Assemble the base: Start with your largest flowers, like the roses, and place them in the centre of the bouquet. Arrange them so that they face outwards and create a triangular shape.
  3. Add texture and colour: Fill in the gaps between the roses with the lavender, cress, clubmoss, and other colourful flowers. Use the lavender and cress to add pops of colour and texture, and the clubmoss for a trailing effect.
  4. Secure the bouquet: Use floral tape to secure the stems of the flowers together at the base of the bouquet. Wrap the tape securely, but not too tight, so that the stems can still move slightly.
  5. Personalise your bouquet: Add a ribbon or other decorative elements to personalise your bouquet (optional).
  6. Triangular vase (optional): If you are using a triangular vase, arrange the flowers so that the point of the triangle follows the shape of the vase.

Here are some additional tips for creating a beautiful triangular bouquet:

  • Use a variety of flower sizes and shapes to create visual interest.
  • Consider the colour wheel when choosing your flowers. Complementary colours will create a vibrant and eye-catching bouquet.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment! There is no right or wrong way to arrange flowers.