Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Daisy Dreamcatchers

Daisy Dreamcatchers

 Daisy Dreamcatchers: Weaving Tranquility with Floral Dreams

Daisy Dreamcatchers are beautiful dream filters crafted with delicate daisy flowers woven into a web. Daisies, symbolic of purity, innocence, and new beginnings, are believed to promote peaceful sleep and filter out nightmares. These dreamcatchers not only add a touch of floral charm to your bedroom but also serve as a reminder of the beauty and serenity that awaits you in your dreams.


  • Embroidery hoop: Choose a circular embroidery hoop in your desired size. A larger hoop creates a more dramatic dreamcatcher, while a smaller one offers a delicate touch.
  • Yarn: Select a natural-coloured yarn that complements the daisies you'll be using. White, cream, or beige are popular choices.
  • Dried daisies: Opt for flat, dried daisies with preserved petals. You can dry your own daisies or purchase them from craft stores.
  • Scissors: Sharp scissors will be helpful for cutting yarn and trimming daisies.
  • Optional embellishments: Consider adding feathers, beads, or other dreamcatcher-inspired elements to personalise your creation.


  1. Wrap the hoop: Cut a long length of yarn and begin wrapping it around the outer rim of the embroidery hoop. Keep the yarn taut and create a close wrap, ensuring there are minimal gaps between the yarn loops.
  2. Weaving the web: Once you've completed a full loop around the hoop, continue wrapping yarn inwards, creating a concentric web pattern. There are different web-weaving techniques, so you can choose the one that appeals to you most. A simple method is to weave under two strands and over two strands repeatedly, moving your way inwards towards the centre of the hoop.
  3. Securing the web: Once you reach the centre of the hoop, tie a secure knot with the yarn to anchor the web in place. You can then weave the remaining yarn tail into the web to hide it.
  4. Incorporating daisies: As you weave the web, strategically place individual daisies or small clusters of daisies in between the yarn strands. Secure them by gently wrapping the yarn around the daisy stems and weaving the yarn ends into the web.
  5. Adding embellishments (optional): If desired, use additional yarn or string to attach feathers, beads, or other dreamcatcher embellishments to the bottom of the hoop.


  • Daisy selection: Choose daisies with a variety of sizes and openness to create a visually interesting web.
  • Web design: Experiment with different weaving patterns to create a unique web design. You can find inspiration online or in dreamcatcher crafting books.
  • Dreamy intentions: As you weave your Daisy Dreamcatcher, set your intention for peaceful sleep and sweet dreams.
  • Hanging your dreamcatcher: Hang your Daisy Dreamcatcher near your bed where the morning light can gently filter through the web, carrying away any lingering nightmares.

Daisy Dreamcatchers are a beautiful and functional addition to your bedroom décor. Let the delicate daisies and the intricate web weave a peaceful atmosphere, ensuring a good night's sleep filled with sweet dreams.