Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Shoulder Length Shopping Bag

DIY Shopping Bag


Fabric (calico or denim recommended)

Interfacing (optional, for added structure)

Cutting Instructions:

(Include seam allowances of 2 cm for all pieces)

Bag Body: Cut a rectangle 42 cm x 38 cm (38 cm + 2 cm seam allowance on each side for width, 34 cm + 2 cm seam allowance on each side for height)

Bag Pocket (Optional): Cut a rectangle 14 cm x 22 cm (12 cm + 1 cm seam allowance on each side for width, 20 cm + 1 cm seam allowance on each side for height)

Shoulder Straps: Cut 1 strips 8 cm x 88 cm (2 cm + 4 cm fold allowance on each side for width, 82 cm + 4 cm fold allowance for length)


  • You can skip the interfacing if you prefer a softer bag.
  • The pocket is optional. If you choose to add it, one pocket is included in this pattern.
  • The 4 cm fold allowance on each end of the shoulder straps will be used to create tabs for attaching the straps to the bag body.

Assembly Instructions: (Detailed instructions will vary depending on your sewing technique, but this is a general guide.)

  1. Prepare the bag body: (Optional) Iron interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric, if using. Fold the top of the bag body down 2 cm twice (for a total of 4 cm fold) and iron to create a finished top edge.
  2. Prepare the pocket (if using): (Optional) Iron interfacing to the wrong side of the pocket fabric, if using. Fold the top and sides of the pocket down 1 cm twice (for a total of 2 cm fold) and iron to create finished edges. Attach the pocket to the desired location on the bag body, right sides together, and sew in place.
  3. Prepare the shoulder straps: Fold each long edge of the strap pieces inwards 4 cm and iron to create tabs. You can sew along the folded edge for a cleaner finish.
  4. Attach straps to bag body: With right sides together, pin one end of a strap tab to the top corner of the bag body. Sew the strap and tab securely in place. Repeat for the other strap on the opposite corner.
  5. Sew the bag sides and bottom: With right sides together, sew the side seams of the bag body, leaving the bottom open for now. Fold up the bottom of the bag body 2 cm twice (for a total of 4 cm fold) and sew across to close the bottom. Another optional: Fold the fabric of both size bag measurement into one piece, where sewing will not require for the bag bottom.


  • Trim any loose threads and turn the bag right side out.
  • You can topstitch along the top edge of the bag and around the pocket opening for a more polished look (optional).

This pattern provides a basic structure for a shoulder-length shopping bag. You can customise it further by adding different types of closures, additional pockets, or embellishments.