Monday, 13 May 2024

Rustic Charm Bridesmaid Bouquet


Bridesmaid Bouquet


Flowers (around 15-20 stems):

Lavender bundles (3-4)

Chamomile flowers (5-7 stems)

Baby's breath (a large bunch)

(Optional) Additional wildflowers like scabiosa, yarrow, or billy buttons (5-7 stems)

Floral shears

Floral tape (optional)

Burlap ribbon (1-2 yards, depending on desired length)

Twine (optional, for a more rustic touch)



  1. Prep your flowers: Using floral shears, trim the stems of your flowers to a similar length, leaving enough for easy handling. Remove any excess foliage from the lower portion of the stems.
  2. Build the bouquet: Start by arranging your lavender bundles in the centre. Create a loose, circular shape, with some lavender stems pointing outwards.
  3. Add dimension: Fill in the gaps with chamomile flowers, distributing them evenly throughout the bouquet. Tuck in baby's breath to add a light and airy feel.
  4. (Optional) More flowers: If using additional wildflowers, intersperse them amongst the lavender, chamomile, and baby's breath for a more vibrant look.
  5. Secure the stems: Gently gather the flower stems together. You can use floral tape at the base for added security, but it's not essential for this loose style.
  6. Wrap the ribbon: Starting at the base of the stems, wrap the burlap ribbon snugly around the bouquet. Overlap the ribbon as you go and secure it tightly with a knot. Trim any excess ribbon with scissors.
  7. Rustic touch (optional): Wrap a piece of twine around the base of the bouquet, tying it in a loose knot over the burlap ribbon for a more rustic aesthetic.


  • Flower selection: Choose wildflowers that are in season and complement your wedding theme.
  • Colour variations: You can substitute or add different coloured wildflowers to create a more vibrant bouquet.
  • Ribbon choice: For a more elegant look, consider using a lace or satin ribbon instead of burlap.
  • Handle with care: Wildflowers can be delicate, so handle the bouquet gently to avoid damaging the flowers.

By following these steps and incorporating your own creative touches, you can create beautiful bridesmaid bouquets that add a touch of rustic charm to your wedding celebration.