Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Bouquet with Cattleya Flowers


Bridesmaid Bouquet


Several phalaenopsis orchid stems in various colours of your choice ( cattleya  orchids can also be substituted)

Baby’s breath flowers

Assortment of greenery (eucalyptus, ferns, maidenhair ferns, or other cascading greenery)

Floral shears

Floral tape

Floral wire

Ribbon (optional)

Cascade bouquet holder (optional, but helpful)


  1. Prepare your flowers and greenery: Begin by cutting the stems of your phalaenopsis orchids, baby’s breath, and greenery to your desired lengths, ensuring the orchid stems are the longest. Aim for a cascading effect, so the stems gradually decrease in length. Cut at an angle to maximise water absorption.
  2. Assemble the bouquet: Start by positioning your largest phalaenopsis orchid bloom in the centre, then add complementary coloured orchids or baby’s breath sprigs around it. Secure the stems together with floral tape.
  3. Continue building the bouquet: Gradually incorporate stems of baby’s breath and greenery throughout the bouquet, strategically placing them to add texture, colour, and dimension. Use floral tape to secure each addition to the core group of stems.
  4. Cascading effect: As you build the bouquet, focus on incorporating stems with a downward facing direction to create a cascading flow. You can use floral wire to gently bend some stems if needed to achieve the desired look.
  5. Refine and secure: Once you are happy with the overall shape and fullness of the bouquet, use floral tape to further secure the stems at the base. You can also wrap the base of the stems with floral wire for additional stability.
  6. Optional ribbon and holder: If desired, wrap a decorative ribbon around the base of the bouquet and secure it with tape or wire. If using a cascade bouquet holder, insert the stems into the holder to provide additional support and structure.


  • Keep your flowers hydrated by placing them in a cool vase with fresh water while you assemble the bouquet.
  • Consider using a variety of phalaenopsis orchid colours and bloom sizes to add visual interest.
  • Experiment with different greenery textures to create a unique look.
  • If the bouquet feels loose, use floral wire to create a hidden loop around multiple stems and gently tighten to provide stability.